This chronological resume is for Ryan Meade (not his real name), a job seeker who wants to continue his career advancement to a position as director of a non-profit organization.
Ryan is highly qualified and motivated, but does not have a college degree, which could be a stumbling block.
See how this issue is addressed in his resume.
The Details About This No College Degree Resume Sample
Ryan started his career in the non-profit/association management sector as a volunteer and was hired to handle membership services.
Since he did not go to college and planned to stay in the non-profit/association management field, he chose to pursue a professional certification as a Certified Association Executive (CAE) rather than a four-year degree.
Now that Ryan is looking to find a new employment opportunity, he has to minimize the fact that he does not have a degree while finding a way to ensure that his resume positions him as a competitive candidate against other candidates who have college degrees that are applying for the same jobs.
Things to note about Ryan’s resume for a job in the in the non-profit field:
- He positioned his certification designation (“CAE”) right at the top of his resume so that the reader knows up front that he has this credential.
- He included quantified achievements at the top of his resume so that the reader can see where he has added value in his career.
- He included a list of his top skills in the field that can help to optimize his resume for SEO searches.
- His achievement statements are detailed, quantified, and full of industry-specific keywords.
The overall look of the resume is creative and tech-savvy in nature, showing that he has a creative side in addition to his business and organizational skills.
The Bottom Line on Resumes With No College Degree
By emphasizing his strengths and de-emphasizing his deficits, Ryan was able to successfully compete in his job market.
The Resume Samples for Ryan:
- Sample Formal Resume for Executive Degree-less Job Seeker
- Sample Simplified ATS Resume for Executive with No Degree
About the author…
Erin Kennedy is a Master Career Director (MCD), Certified Master Resume Writer (MCRW), Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW), and Certified Empowerment & Motivational Coach (CEMC). She has been helping clients since 1999. Erin is also the President of Professional Resume Services, Inc.. Visit her website and connect with Erin on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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