Resume/Job Application Keyword Success Secrets

Be sure that your resumes and job applications contain the best keywords when you apply for a job. Here’s how…

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Sample Resume: Functional Resume for an Extreme Career Change

Susan Ireland, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, shows how, in 1999, a person made an extreme career change using a functional resume.

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What Recruiters and Hiring Managers Want in a Resume

Martin Yate describes why and how to identify and deliver what employers want to see on your resume – relevant accomplishments.

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6 Transferable Skills for Your Resume and Cover Letter

Martin Yate helps you identify the transferable skills required by some ‘meaningless’ terms used in job postings, so you can address what the employer really wants to know about you.

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Guide to Effective Resumes and Cover Letters

In this section, find articles, videos, and resume examples to help you create an effective resume for a successful job search today in the new era of technology for recruiting.

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How to Write a Powerful Resume Summary (Examples)

Carson Kohler explains why we should replace the old-fashioned resume Objective with the newer Summary statement which is more effective and more modern than the Objective statement.

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How to Choose the Best Format for Your Resume

Susan Ireland, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, describes the two main resume formats used today.

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Resume Sample: Older Job Seeker (50+) Looking Younger

Erin Kennedy, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, illustrates the way an older job seeker can appear younger on their resume.

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Resume Sample: Mom Returning To Work, Making a Career Change

Erin Kennedy, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, shows how a mom returning to work after 5 years with her child and changing careers can handle this challenge in her resume.

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5 Tweaks to Your Resume to Change Industries

Martin Yate describes 5 tactics to implement, modifying your resume, that enable you to change industries more easily.

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Resume Sample: Executive Making a Career Change

Erin Kennedy, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, shows how an executive is interested in making a career change. This is how he handles it on his resume.

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Resume Sample: Unemployment Gaps

Erin Kennedy, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, illustrates the way you can manage employment gaps on your resume even when unemployed.

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Resume Sample: College Student in Business Administration

Erin Kennedy, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, shows how a college student can highlight her part-time and volunteer experience for a great resumes.

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How to Convert Your Resume into a Great LinkedIn Profile

Susan Ireland, Job-Hunt’s Resumes Expert, describes how to convert your master resume into your LinkedIn Profile.

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Reinforce Your Personal Brand: 10 Tips for Stronger Resume Branding

Meg Guiseppi, Job-Hunt’s Personal Branding Expert, shares the 10 tips for job seekers to make their resume – and their brand – stronger.

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5 Ways to Fill Employment or Career Gaps

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz suggests 5 good options for filling that gap between jobs, particularly important if you have been unemployed for a long term.

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What Recruiters Do NOT Want to Find on Your Resume

Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz answers this question: What does a recruiter NOT want to find on your resume?

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Optimize Your Resume to Be Found by Recruiters

3 key ares to focus your keyword research and usage to improve your resumes’ searchability (Resume SEO) which increases your chances of being found in a resume database search.

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Effective Resumes for Boomers

Phyllis Mufson offers ways Boomers can make their resumes more effective.

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7 Deadly Resume Mistakes for New Grads to Avoid

Chandlee Bryan provides detailed how-to advice for sending effective email, like a top executive.

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