Perhaps you are thinking in a few weeks you will focus once again on job hunting.
It is nice to sleep in, read the morning paper at Starbucks, watch your favorite program, take a walk, stay up late playing video games, or reconnect with friends on Facebook.
As long as you have that severance coming in, unemployment compensation, or other funds to pull from, what’s the rush?
It is tempting to take it easy from time to time.
But easy does not do it for your job search. Treating job loss like a mini-break, where moments of leisure are punctuated with bouts of enthusiastic vigor, will not build the future you desire or help you through this emotional transition.
The 7 Day Job Search Momentum Quick-Start Recipe
There were times you did not want to go to work when you had a job, but you still did.
Now you are working for yourself.
So, do something. Anything. Find something on your to-do list that you can accomplish quickly. Keep going. You will be glad you did.
Forward action, no matter how small, fuels motivation, builds energy, and ignites job search creativity. Forward motion enhances perseverance, and gets results.
Try one of the suggested small actions below each day for the next seven days.
On Monday, do one, then add one of your own. On Tuesday, try a different one, then add one or two of your own.
Keep the momentum building. By the end of the week, do not be surprised to see your motivation level heightened. That is because any positive action beats inaction.
1. Time Your Way to Job Search Success
Avoiding some actions necessary for your job search? Hate making those phone calls, reaching out to former colleagues, writing thank you notes after interviews, or following up on leads?
Set a timer for fifteen minutes. Do one of those things you do not want to do for that fifteen minutes, three times a day, every day.
2. Pass It On
Hear about a job that is right for someone else? Tell them about it.
Read about a company that is hiring? Let others know.
Discover approaches that are working, share them.
Help others thrive. You will feel better about yourself when you do. And others will reciprocate.
3. Kindness Matters
It is not a picnic for your family or friends either.
You do not mean to take it out on them, but consider that you might be doing just that. These are the people who matter most in your life, who sustain you through tough times, who love you.
Thank them, appreciate them, surprise them by washing the car, cleaning the house, or making dinner.
4. Tame a Worry
Pick one worry that is troubling you. Then, brainstorm ten actions you can do immediately to address it.
Let us say you are worried about college tuition for your daughter’s next semester. Actions might include: call the financial aid office to explore options; talk to your daughter about getting a job; start a spend-tracking system to determine what expenses to cut; call a temp agency about a position, etc.
By developing potential solutions to problems, you will remove a worry and make progress.
5. Your Habits are Habit Forming
What time did you get up? Did you shower today? Are you still in your PJ’s? Do you know all the afternoon talk-shows or spend the day sending YouTube videos to your friends?
Make a list of your new (and unproductive) routines, and start kicking out the bad habits before they settle-in.
6. Creatively Fund It
Need money to take that keyboarding or Spanish or desktop publishing class? Or buy that interview outfit, create business cards, or get your resume professionally written?
Check your overflowing closets, attic, or garage for stuff you can resell on eBay, at a consignment shop, or add to a friend’s garage sale to fund your future. Gather items this week; sell them next.
Or, find a short-term gig you can do. Or, become a temp.
7. Heartfelt Letters
Identify three people who positively impacted your career.
Is there a teacher or boss or colleague who encouraged you? A friend who opened doors? A family member who inspired you?
Tell them. Be specific about what each person did for you and why that made a difference in your life. Ideally these should be hand-written, snail mail notes for greatest impact.
This is not the time to tell them you are job hunting. It is a time to reconnect and offer heartfelt thanks.
Keep Moving
Job loss can cause you to lose your grounding. Self-esteem erodes, action becomes inaction, and disinterest pulls you deeper into the emotional mud of anger and despair.
It is easy to anesthetize yourself with wine, food, or self-sabotaging behaviors. But, none of these will help you get back up.
It is not the doubts or disappointments or the falling down that is the hardest in job loss recovery. The hardest part is the getting up. Every day. Again. And again.
How many rejections have stung your heart? How many almost offers have you gotten? How much longer until that first day of a new job? Giving up means never beating this experience. But, you will beat it, if you do not give up.
The Bottom Line on Restarting Your Job Search
As a child, you did not let let a few skinned knees keep you from your skateboard or roller skates or bike. Do not let depleted motivation and energy keep you from your next great job. Use the any-positive-action approach to get you back on a path that will help you be ready to shine when your moment matters.
More About Recovering from Job Loss:
- 3 Tracks to Accelerate Your Recovery from Job Loss
- Coming to Terms with Change: Letting Go
- Reclaiming Career Prosperity
- Handling Job Loss Worries
- Job Loss Questions for Career Success
- 4 Things to Know About Your Job Loss
- We ALL Need Help Sometimes
- How to Get Your Job Search Unstuck
- 3 Evergreen Keys to Job Loss Recovery
- Beating the Job Search Blues
About this author…
Job Loss Recovery Expert Nan S. Russell discovered a Stanford degree didn’t protect her from being fired from her first professional job. From minimum wage to Vice President of a multi-billion dollar company, she learned the hard way. Now she helps others with what does and doesn’t work at work. The author of three career books including, The Titleless Leader, Hitting Your Stride, and Nibble Your Way to Success, Nan is a national speaker and work issues consultant. More at NanRussell.com; and her job loss seminar: Rebooting After Job Loss.
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