Job Application vs. The Resume

Diane Hudson Burns offers strategies for responding appropriately when an employer request applicants complete a job application in stead of, or in addition to, submitting a resume.

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Short Timer? Manage Transition to Civilian Life

Veterans’ Job Search Expert Patra Frame offering 5 steps for military in transition to have a very successful job search for their civilian job.

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Guide to Job Search for Veterans and Transitioning Military

Transitioning military, National Guard, members of the Reserve Components, and veterans face special issues in their job search. This Guide will help them find good jobs in the civilian sector.

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10 Smart and Simple Steps to Start A New Career

Starting a career change can be very intimidating. Follow these 10 simple steps for a successful transition to your next career.

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Busted: Job Search Myths Hurting Your Career Change

Virginia Franco shares how to make your qualifications for a management role clear in your resume when you apply for a manager job.

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How to Choose Your Next Job: 6 Considerations

Virginia Franco shares 6 important career considerations when you are thinking about changing your job and your career.

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Leverage LinkedIn Headlines and Profiles for Your Career Change

Virginia Franco shares examples and great tips on how to successfully leverage LinkedIn for career change.

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Research for Your Career Change

Job-Hunt’s Career Change Expert Randi Bussin offers 5 sources of information for researching your career options.

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How to Job Search Effectively for Remote Jobs

While remote job search is much like a traditional job search, follow these steps to show employers you know how to work remotely.

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Understanding Keywords for Job Search

How to choose the right words to make your resume and your social media profiles appear in the right search results for you.

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How to Find Jobs on Twitter

Social Media Job Search Contributor Marci Reynolds shows you how to use Twitter as a job board.

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5 Keys to Successfully Working with Recruiters During Your Coronavirus Pandemic Job Search

Top recruiter Jeff Lischultz offers 5 strategies for successfully working with recruiters during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.

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3 Disastrous Job Offer Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid

Compensation expert Stacey Hawley offers 5 smart strategies for negotiating your best job offer.

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Questions to Ask BEFORE You Accept a Job Offer

If you don’t already know the answers to these questions, ask them — and get answers you like — before you accept the job offer.

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What to Expect in a Job Offer

The basic elements you should expect in your job offer and how to evaluate them.

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Avoid a New Job Disaster: Get a Job Offer Letter!

Compensation expert Stacey Hawley shares 5 important reasons to accept only a written job offer letter from the new potential employer.

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5 Steps to Negotiate the Best Job Offer

Compensation expert Stacey Hawley offers 5 smart strategies for negotiating your best job offer.

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LinkedIn Basics for Successful Job Search (and Career)

You need to cover these five basics to successfully leverage LinkedIn for your job search and career.

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Sample Email: Request for a Reference for Your Job Search

Making some simple mistakes in email can be very damaging to your job search. This artaicles describes.

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How to Avoid Job Scams: 9 Signs

The 9 most common characteristics of job scams that you will find in e-mail, social media, websites, and job boards.

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