Even when you’re totally prepared for an interview and know that you are qualified, it can still be a nerve-racking experience to walk into a room (of potentially more than one person) and be judged for your past performances.
Job interviews come with very specific feedback—either you’ll get the gig or you won’t. No matter what your qualifications may be, how you conduct yourself in an interview can make a big difference when it comes to the impression you leave on your interviewer.
The next time you’re up for a new job and have a big interview coming up, consider some of these tips to help settle your racing mind.
How to Calm Your Nerves Before a Job Interview
1. Prepare for Everything (Even the Worst)
It goes without saying that one of the best ways to ace an interview is to prepare as much as possible beforehand. This includes everything from researching the company and the person who will be interviewing you to memorizing your best accolades and practicing in front of a mirror. What you might not have considered is the importance of also preparing for the worst.
According to The Muse, it’s helpful to consider your biggest fear, and then try to come up with an answer for it. Proactive thinking—like coming prepared with floss for that errant piece of spinach you notice in your teeth right before you walk into the building—will help you rest assured that no matter what happens during the interview, you can handle it with confidence.
2. Take the Guesswork Out of the Equation
We often spend a lot of unnecessary time and energy on the small details involved in a job interview, like what we should wear and the best route to get there. Instead, Forbes suggests to eliminate the unknown by taking some solid steps to move past them. For example, if you are worried about traffic the day of your interview, try taking multiple routes to your destination in the days before the meeting to see which one works best. Not sure what to wear to your job interview? Follow these tips to choose the right interview outfit. Worried about tech during a remote interview? Check it early.
More: How to Reschedule a Job Interview
3. Don’t Be Afraid to Address the Elephant in the Room
No one expects you to show up to a job interview completely unnerved—you’re not a robot, after all. Instead, Fast Company recommends addressing your job interview nerves (jokingly is best) and using them as another way to bond with your interviewer.
4. Know Your Weaknesses
If you’re craving that big cup of coffee the morning of your interview but know that it’ll likely give you the jitters, do your best to skip it. If you know that taking some time to work out before the big meetup will help you de-stress, but you don’t want to take time away from your research and studying, grab your computer or phone and prop it up on the treadmill while you walk.
Whatever you can do to keep your routine as simple and normal as possible—including all the things you normally do before heading into a stressful situation—go ahead and do it. That includes skipping the exotic lunch before your 2 p.m. interview too, unfortunately.
5. Include Something Fun in Your Planning
For all the stress you’ll put yourself through when it comes to interviewing, The Muse also suggests planning something fun for afterwards. You’ll have something to look forward to, and it just might help you de-stress during the actual interview knowing that not only have you done your best to prepare, but that you’ll be rewarded afterwards with something you’ll very much enjoy.
Interviews are almost always stressful, so acknowledging that fact and finding a way to work with that stress will help you move past it.
Written by: Cheryl Lock
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