Facebook is perhaps the most under-utilized platform when it comes to job search. While its true that no one goes to Facebook to job hunt, there are a variety of ways to use it to promote yourself, stand out, and get hired.
I recently found four examples of job seekers who did something unique. They used the Facebook ads or pages to promote themselves. Boy did it work! Here’s how they did it along with links to their stories.
1) Sam Solomon
After he posted his ad, Sam got an interview the next day: “I decided to take a different approach. Rethink the channel for job candidacy. Using specifically targeted Facebook advertisements, I created different ads targeting companies in industries that interested me. I gave myself $150 and about two weeks to see what would happen.”
Result: 5 interviews, 18 email followups, two blog posts written about it, cost $150. His article about his efforts show you step by step how he did it.
For more details: SamuelRSolomon: How to Get a Job Interview Tomorrow with Facebook Ads
2) Marian Schembari
“After three months of responding to job postings unsuccessfully, I posted an ad for myself on Facebook, and specifically targeted people at companies where I wanted to work. The ad said, ‘I want to work for Harper Collins [or Random House or Penguin, etc…], can you help?’ Anyone who listed that they worked for one of those companies saw the advertisement. If it caught their fancy, they would click on the ad which would then direct them to my resume.”
Result: She picked up freelance work at Harper Collins, connected to over 100 people in two weeks, one of whom referred her to the firm where she was subsequently hired.
3) Ian Greenleigh
“Social job ads are effective because they short-circuit the gatekeepers, both technological and human, to get you in front of the right people in a way that stands out.”
Result: Several interviews, and hired as the social media manager at Bazaarvoice. Cost $150.
For more details: CareerFuel: A New Tool to Find Work and Ian’s blog daretocomment.com
4) Braden Young.
Braden created his own “hire me” campaign to get the job he wanted at Krispy Kreme in Philadelphia. He used a Facebook page and Twitter account to stand out.
Result: He got the job. “What I love about Braden and this story is the fact that he never thought of sending a standard resume & cover letter. ‘I figured that if I was going to go for it, I had to do it right and find a way to stand out,’ said Braden. Oh boy, did it work! The company said they were extremely excited to see his campaign and couldn’t wait to talk to him. Jackpot, baby!”
For more details: CornontheJob: Job Seeker’s Hire Me Campaign
See, Facebook is good for job hunting! But it’s more of a reverse job search. Use it to rise above your job search competition.
Happy hunting.
More About Facebook for Job Search
- Facebook Can Be Your New Resume
- Find Insiders Using Facebook
- Why You Shouldn’t Give Up on Facebook for Your Job Search
About the author…
Chris Russell is the CEO & Founder of CareerCloud.com. An advocate for job seekers everywhere, he is widely considered to be the “mad scientist of online recruiting,” a badge he wears with pride. His long running podcast, CareerCloud Radio has been around since 2007 and is consistently a top 25 show in the iTunes – Career category. Follow Chris online via twitter @chrisrussell.
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