Watch Where You Are Going in Your Job Search

How to decide: is this the right job and the right employer for you, or not?

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Starting Your Online Job Search, Making a Career Change

How to choose a new career and make a career change is Step 2A of Part 1, in this step-by-step how to find a job tutorial.

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Starting Your Online Job Search, Decide What Job(s) You Want

Figuring out what job(s) you want is the solid foundation for your job search, and Step 2 of Part 1 in this step-by-step how to find a job tutorial.

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How to Leverage Your LinkedIn Competitors

Job-Hunt’s LinkedIn for Job Search Expert, Laura Smith-Proulx describes, in 5 steps, how you can improve your LinkedIn Profile by studying your competitors’ Profiles.

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Returning to Work After Retirement

Debra Wheatman describes the factors retirees should consider before returning to work after they have retired.

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LinkedIn Profile Power: Grab Employer Interest (and LinkedIn Traffic) with Your Success Stories

LinkedIn Expert Laura Smith-Proulx describes how you can increase the impact of your LinkedIn Profile by describing your accomplishments using short, but powerful, success stories.

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Let’s Have Lunch!

How to set up, conduct, close, and follow-up a successful business networking lunch.

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To Succeed Today, Execute a Targeted Job Search

Debra Wheatman describes a 4-step process for executing a targeted job search — the kind of job search that will result in landing a good job most quickly.

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Managing a “Wavy” Employment History

Chronic Illness Job Search Expert Rosalind Joffe offers tips for managing an imperfect employment history, one with obvious under-employment, gaps in employment, and/or frequent career changes.

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Debra Wheatman: Expert in Building Your Career

Debra Wheatman, Job-Hunt’s Expert in Building Your Career, has many years of experience helping people with their careers and job search.

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