10 Keys to a Rewarding Second Act Career

Job-Hunt’s Lifestyle-Friendly Careers Expert, Nancy Collamer shares the 10 keys to discovering your personally rewarding Second-Act Career.

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Overcoming Fears of Career Change

People often postpone a career change because they are afraid of the change, afraid of failing, or afraid of making a bad choice. These steps can reduce the fear to a manageable level.

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Successful Career Change Starts with Self-Assessment

Do some self-assessment to understand yourself better so you can move to a better career for you.

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Best Career Change Advice: Target and Plan

Make that next career change your best career change. Here’s how.

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Advice for Military Career Transitioning

Plan for moving from a military career to a civilian career.

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Making a Smart Job Choice: 3 Steps to Plan for the Best Military Retirement Job

Take these 3 critical steps to plan for the best military retirement job in the civilian world.

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Military Transition Action Plan – Long-Term Service to Civilian

Job-Hunt Veterans’ Job Search Expert Patra Frame suggests a 2-step process to begin your job search – initiating your plan and identifying your success stories.

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Networking: The Secret of Successful Military-to-Civilian Job Transition

You probably have heard that you have to network as a part of returning to the civilian work world. And many military members are very successful at doing so within the military – yet cannot see quite how to do it for transition. You can’t get through TAP or open a business publication without seeing […]

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Short Timer? Manage Transition to Civilian Life

Veterans’ Job Search Expert Patra Frame offering 5 steps for military in transition to have a very successful job search for their civilian job.

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Smart Military Transition Strategies

Veterans’ Job Search Expert Patra Frame offering 5 steps for a smarter military in transition for a very successful civilian job search.

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The Realities of Military to Civilian Transition

Job-Hunt Veterans’ Job Search Expert Patra Frame offers 5 steps to begin your successful transition from military to civilian employment.

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Translating Military Experience to Civilian Jobs

How veterans can translate their military experinece into terms and skills for the civilian marketplace.

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Uncover Your Passion to Discover Your Career

Job-Hunt’s Lifestyle-Friendly Careers Expert, Nancy Collamer, offers 5 questions to ask yourself to help you uncover what you are passionate about.

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What a DISC Assessment Could Reveal

Understanding yourself by assessing your personal style and preferences will help you pick a new career that will make you happy.

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10 Smart and Simple Steps to Start A New Career

Starting a career change can be very intimidating. Follow these 10 simple steps for a successful transition to your next career.

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Affording Career Change: Cash Flow Management

Randi Bussin, Job-Hunt’s Career Change Expert, and Sherrill St. Germain, career change financial planner, help you understand and plan your cash flow during your career change.

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Successful Cover Letters for Career Change

Virginia Franco shares the 5 steps you can teke to construct a cover letter which will demonstrate your interest and fit for the job, even when you are making a career change.

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Affording Career Change: Debt, Benefits, & Taxes

Randi Bussin, Job-Hunt’s Career Change Expert, and Sherrill St. Germain, career change financial planner, help you address the issues of debt management, benefits, and taxes during your career change.

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Busted: Job Search Myths Hurting Your Career Change

Virginia Franco shares how to make your qualifications for a management role clear in your resume when you apply for a manager job.

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Making a Career Change to Healthcare

Job-Hunt’s Career Change Expert Randi Bussin offers options for careers in the rapidly growing health care industry.

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