Rachel Pelta is a writer for FlexJobs.com, the #1 site for remote and flexible schedule jobs.

How to Answer Situational Interview Questions (Example Answers)

Situational interview questions give you a chance to highlight your soft skills. Here’s how to handle common situational questions, plus example answers.

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How to Answer “What Makes You Unique?” In a Job Interview

Interviewers ask this question to find out how your unique skills will benefit the company. Here’s how to approach this question, plus example answers.

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How to Mention Relocating in Your Job Search and Cover Letter

Are you planning to move and searching for your next job? Here’s how to keep your job search on track and how to mention your relocation.

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Are Cover Letters Necessary?

Your cover letter is a great chance to showcase your soft skills and leave a good impression. Is it always necessary? Here’s why it depends.

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How to Answer “How Do You Handle Working With Difficult People?”

Interviewers ask this question to figure out how well you handle difficult situations. Use these tips and example answers to craft your own answer.

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How to Write a Cover Letter Introduction (Examples)

There are many great ways to start a cover letter. Here are six different cover letter introductions, with examples to help you get started.

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How to Find Entry-Level Jobs: A Complete Guide

Are you looking for an entry-level job? Here’s how to plan your job search, gain experience, find the right opportunities, and kick off your career.

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What to Say When Negotiating Your Salary (Examples)

Using phrases like “My research shows…” can help you stay confident when negotiating your salary. Here’s what to say to gain the salary you deserve.

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What Is a Stipend? How It’s Different From a Salary

Stipends can help cover your expenses while you take on an internship or training program. Here’s how stipends work and how they differ from a regular salary.

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How to Reschedule a Job Interview

Something came up at the time of your job interview? Here are valid reasons to reschedule a job interview, and what to say in a phone message or email.

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What Is Included in a Job Offer?

A job offer outlines the job description, start date, salary, benefits, and more. Here’s what to look for in a job offer, so you can be sure the job details match what you expect.

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Report: Job Seekers Need More Details and Responsive Recruiters

We surveyed over 2,200 job seekers to find out their biggest job search frustrations and how recruiters can help. Here’s what the data says.

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10 Signs of a Toxic Workplace and Ways to Handle Workplace Issues

Here are ten signs that your workplace may be toxic, ways to handle common issues—and if you leave—how to explain the situation to a future employer.

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What to Say in a Professional Voicemail Greeting (Examples)

Whether you’re an active job seeker, currently employed, or simply out of the office, here’s what to say in a professional voicemail greeting.

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What are SMART Goals? How to Set Achievable Goals (Examples)

SMART is an acronym that can help you set and achieve your goals. Here’s how to make your goals specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

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How Career Aptitude Tests Can Help You Find Your Dream Job

A career aptitude test or quiz can help you figure out the best career for you. Here’s how career tests work, types of career tests, and how they can help.

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How to Find a Job Using Job Boards and Websites

Here’s how to use popular job boards and niche job websites for a faster job search. Navigate online job listings quickly to find the best job opportunities for you.

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147 Action Verbs for Your Resume (Examples)

Using action verbs to describe your work experience can help your resume stand out. Here’s how to use action words in your resume and over 140 examples.

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At-Will Employment: What It Means and Important Exceptions

At-will employment means that you can quit your job, or your employer can terminate you, without a reason. There are exceptions, so it’s important to know your rights.

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How to Leverage Body Language in Job Interviews

Perfecting your nonverbal communication is as important as knowing what to say. Here’s how to send the right message with your body language.

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