The U.S. Federal Government is a mammoth organization with jobs ranging from astronaut to zoologist and everything in between.
As with most large organizations, policies and practices try to ensure consistency across all parts.
When an organization is over 200 years old, those policies can be mammoth, too.
The U.S. Federal Government has a formal, methodical hiring process which tries to ensure fairness to all. This means many rules that must be followed, and a standardized process that must be navigated very carefully to land a federal job.
Given the age of this organization, the process isn’t simple, but it is well-documented. Job-Hunt will try to break the process down into understandable steps, and guide you through it.
The Federal Government Job Search Process
- 9 Federal Resume Myths to Ignore
Substantial differences exist between federal and private sector resumes — in the resume length, the level of detail, and the actual content. - 7 Steps to Land a US Federal Government Job
The federal hiring process is more complex and structured in somewhat surprising ways, but follow these 7 steps to success. - Avoiding the Most Common USAJOBS.gov Mistakes
If your federal resume is not producing results, i.e., getting you the “best qualified” ratings, interview opportunities, and job offers, what do you do? Do not give up! - How to Escape the USAJOBs Resume “Black Hole”
Are you wondering why you are not getting referred to the hiring official? Are you approaching the Federal job search as you would a private-sector job search? Are you applying at the last minute?
- Don’t Let Your Email Address Ruin Federal Job Opportunities
Think about how your email address represents you. Put yourself in the position of a potential employer reviewing information of a job candidate. - The 6 Secrets to Success in Federal Job Interviews
You cannot afford to NOT ace this interview because it is too difficult to get these federal interview opportunities. Follow these 6 steps to be prepared for your interview. - Federal Job Search for People with Disabilities
Are you a disabled job seeker considering employment with the US Federal Government? Individuals with mental and physical disabilities can be hired under “Schedule A” hiring authority.
More About Job Search for Veterans
- Online Job Search Guide for Veterans
Re-entering the civilian job market after 3 or 30 years of service in the military (THANK YOU!) can seem daunting, even to the most battle-hardened warriors. Not to worry! You have faced – and overcome – much tougher situations, starting with basic training a while ago!
Good luck with your job search!
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