Job-Hunt.org is a very popular site for job seekers with over 11,000,000 visitors and over 25,000,000 million page views in a year.
Job-Hunt’s “Experts” help those visitors to improve their approach to different aspects of job search by writing solid, original content that explains an aspect of job search and how to succeed.
Purpose of Job-Hunt.org
Since 1998, the purpose of Job-Hunt is to help as many job seekers as possible with good, solid, up-to-date information provided to them at no cost.
We enable job seekers to understand and succeed in today’s job market and online world. Job-Hunt’s articles focus on answering either or both of these 2 essential questions:
1. Why something is necessary for success in today’s job market or why a particular strategy works for career success or career change.
2. How to successfully accomplish that goal or complete that task.
Repeating old generic advice, offered by thousands of writers on other websites is not helpful or accepted. Job-Hunt contributors must move beyond the obvious, and inform readers of something important and essential for their success.
- Original content is required.
Do not submit an article you have published elsewhere, and do not copy content from another source for your article. You may reuse the article 30 days after it is published on Job-Hunt as long as you link back to the Job-Hunt original. - New topics are preferred. Search Job-Hunt to see if the topic is already covered.
- An “old topic” may be covered again.IF your article updates the information provided and genuinely offers value to the reader — an update reflecting new technology, new understanding, or a new approach. A new solution or a new perspective on an old issue is also welcome IF the value to readers is genuine.
- Article length is typically between 800 to 1000 words or more. The focus is on quality contributions that provide solid information that helps job seekers understand how to understand or improve some aspect of their job search enabling them to be more successful.
- Links to articles on other websites. In general, we don’t link to content on other websites, unless the link goes to reputable research about a topic relevant to the article.
Articles will very likely be edited before they are published. You will see and approve the edited version before it goes “live” to Job-Hunt’s visitors.
Benefit to Contributors
Once you have been accepted into the program, there is no fee to be a Job-Hunt Expert.
The most popular articles are viewed over 75,000 times a month, or nearly one million page views a year, and since Job-Hunt has always practiced “white hat” SEO, visibility in Google for the Experts and their articles is usually very good (personal SEO).
This visibility supports professional credibility and more frequent appearances in Google search results.
Benefits include:
- Author name at the top of each article. People won’t need to hunt for the name of the writer. Your name will be very visible at the top of the page, below the article’s headline. After 6 articles are published, that name is linked to the writer’s “Job-Hunt Expert” page so people can learn more about you.
- About the author paragraph at the bottom of each article. Each article contains an “About the author…” paragraph at the bottom which highlights the Expert’s field of expertise, links to the expert’s website or blog, and also mentions the writer’s Twitter and LinkedIn profiles, if available. Email addresses may also be included.
- Job-Hunt Expert page. A minimum of 6 articles are expected over a period of 6 months to 1 year to qualify as a “Job-Hunt Expert.” After the 6th article is published, an “Expert” bio page is established linking to all of the Expert’s articles and expanding on the information in the “About this author” paragraph providing more information about why the writer is an expert in the topic.
- Visibility in Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Job-Hunt’s newsletter. New articles are always tweeted on a daily basis from both of Job-Hunt’s Twitter accounts (over 70,000 followers). If you have an active Twitter account, it will be mentioned in the tweets. Articles are also shared on Job-Hunt’s Facebook page, in Job-Hunt’s weekly newsletter, on LinkedIn, including Job-Hunt’s LinkedIn Groups, and in Job-Hunt’s other online visibility.
- Opportunity to author a Job-Hunt Quick Guide ebook. A graphic designer turns your Word document into a PDF which is made available on Job-Hunt for free. You can distribute it too, free to clients and media via email or as a download on your website.
Experts are also encouraged to share their articles through their own newsletters and social media to increase the impact and benefit for all.
Other opportunities develop, too, including writing a “Job-Hunt Quick Guide” — short, focused, designer-created ebooks provided for FREE on Job-Hunt and distributed to whomever may be helped.
Occasionally, media referrals are made, too, when someone in the media reaches out to Job-Hunt looking for expert advice on a topic. These referrals have included NPR, PBS, CNN, CNBC, CBS News, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Chicago Times, Los Angeles Times, and many other media and print publications.
Job-Hunt Guides/Columns
Job-Hunt articles are presented in over 50 columns, called “Guides to …” specific topics. Traditional topics like resumes and job interviews are covered, and newer topics like LinkedIn, personal SEO, and personal online reputation management are added as new contributors come forward or important new topics are identified.
See all of the current Job-Hunt Guides on the Guide to Smarter Job Search page.
New Guides may be added any time. Old Guides are removed when no longer useful or maintained.
How to Become a Job-Hunt Expert
If you want to contribute to Job-Hunt on a regular basis and for a specific topic, send an email to me at webmaster at Job-Hunt.org. Include the following information:
- The topic you would like to contribute at least 6 articles over 6 to 9 months.
- Why you are an expert on the topic.
- Links to articles on that topic which you have written over the past 12 to 24 months. (Your name must be identified as the author of each article.)
- Where the topic would fit into Job-Hunt — continuing an existing Guide or adding a new one.
- Links to your LinkedIn Profile and/or Twitter account.
Thank you for your interest in writing for Job-Hunt.org. Send a message to [email protected] with this subject: Possible [your topic] Job-Hunt Contributor.
Job-Hunt Experts / Contributors
Job-Hunt contributors, known as “Job-Hunt Experts,” write monthly or quarterly articles on their topic of expertise.
Several have been active on Job-Hunt for many years and have contributed 40 articles or more, usually at the rate of one per month.
After thirty days from publication on Job-Hunt, the expert may use that article on his or her blog, newsletter, other website or publication, and also on other social media like a LinkedIn Pulse post, with a link back to the original article on Job-Hunt.
This benefits both the Expert and Job-Hunt since it helps Google see the connection between the two. Job-Hunt is a trusted site with a high Google PageRank.
The purpose of the Job-Hunt.Org website is to provide the best and most up-to-date advice from genuine job search and career experts to help job seekers be successful in the job search. Current Job-Hunt Experts include:
- Laura Smith-Proulx contributes regularly to the Guide to Using LinkedIn for Job Search column.
- Recruiter Biron Clark contributes to the Guide to Successful Interviews column.
- Recruiter Jeff Lipschultz writes the articles in the Guide to Working with Recruiters column.
- Hannah Morgan contributes to the Guide to Social Media and Job Search, Guide to Facebook for Job Search, and the Guide to Job Search Navigation columns.
- Nancy Collamer writes the Guide to Lifestyle Friendly Careers column.
- Recruiter Ed Han contributes to the Guide to Using LinkedIn for Job Search column.
- Job-Hunt’s editor Susan P. Joyce writes the Guide to Using Google for Job Search, Guide to Personal SEO, Guide to LinkedIn SEO, and Guide to Personal Online Reputation Management columns.
- Many, many more well-known names in their fields.
As you can see, many Job-Hunt contributors are well-known authors and consultants. But, they don’t overtly “sell” their books or other products and services in their articles.
Job-Hunt Experts do build their brand, reputation, and audience on Job-Hunt by demonstrating their knowledge and expertise on their topics.
See all the current Guides and Experts on the Job-Hunt Job Search Experts on Job-Hunt.org page.
About the author…
Online job search expert Susan P. Joyce has been observing the online job search world and teaching online job search skills since 1995. A veteran of the United States Marine Corps and a recent Visiting Scholar at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Susan is a two-time layoff “graduate” who has worked in human resources at Harvard University and in a compensation consulting firm. Since 1998, Susan has been editor and publisher of Job-Hunt.org. Follow Susan on Twitter at @jobhuntorg and on Facebook, LinkedIn.
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